CCNA-Cisco Certified Network Associate exam is one of the most respected Associate level Certification in the world today. Having a CCNA certificate will definitely help you to get a better job or at least get yourself into Professional Networking Field. When you meet a person that has CCNA certification, you will notice that he or she knows something about networking. This article will describe and give you some tips on how to achieve CCNA
The main thing about the exam is that you can give the exam in two parts:-
1. ICND-1
2. ICND-2
or else if you want you can give the exam in on go, but the problem is it costs a lot, if you give only one exam & if you fail then only half of your money will go (as you paid only for part-1) but if you give the exam in one go & you fail then you will loose whole amount & cisco mind you returning the amount!!
Today I found a very good article on wikihow that how to clear the exam.
have a look @ Pass-CCNA-Certification
Book for your reference:-
Happy reading!!!!!!!
The main thing about the exam is that you can give the exam in two parts:-
1. ICND-1
2. ICND-2
or else if you want you can give the exam in on go, but the problem is it costs a lot, if you give only one exam & if you fail then only half of your money will go (as you paid only for part-1) but if you give the exam in one go & you fail then you will loose whole amount & cisco mind you returning the amount!!
Today I found a very good article on wikihow that how to clear the exam.
have a look @ Pass-CCNA-Certification
Book for your reference:-
Happy reading!!!!!!!